Central Florida

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Requesting Free Trees from City of Orlando

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Requesting Free Trees from City of Orlando

Online Free Tree Request Form for Neighborhood Leaders

Online Tree Request form for Private Property Owners in Orlando

I don't know if this was only available for 2019/2020, but if it is an annual offering, planning for where tree should be planted and what trees make sense from the varieties available would be consistent with your notes from the Work Group Kick-off Session.

Arbor Day is April 24th, and there will likely be free trees at that time that you can take advantage of if you have a plan ready to execute to begin to meet your first short term goal.

Here are your notes::


January 30, 2020

Air Quality Work Group Report Back Form

(Please use the back of these pages for notes.)

What is the over-arching goal for air quality in your communities? (Example of a very broad over-arching goal: To provide a healthy and safe commuity with low greenhouse gas emissions that is free of air pollution.)

To provide a healthy and safe community with low greenhouse gas emissions that is free of air pollution.

Holden Heights: Traffic measures; more trees; complete phases at one time rather than start, stop, start, stop; proper drainage; road sweeping; I-4 construction mitigation

Parramore: more plants, proper drainage to get rid of standing water, I-4 construction mitigation, truck traffic

Mercy Drive: protect forest 

What is the short term goal (within 1 yr)? (This might involve education, partner recruiting, obtaining resources, identifying products, etc.) 

  1. Have trees planted 

  2. Consistent road sweeping

  3. Education

  4. Recruiting neighbors

  5. Identify & procure products


Who attended this Work Group tonight?

Name   Organization or Community

Coronet ScarbourghParramore

Milton WilliamsHolden Heights

Nathanial ScarbourghParramore

Lisa JonesMercy Drive

Lawanna GelzerParramore

Possible dates for Work Group Meetings (specify if on Zoom, in person or a combination):

In February:   February 25th 6:00pm

In March:       will schedule in February

In April:    ___________________________________

Next Steps

Feb 26th Meeting

Who reported back for this Work Group?  Dr. Lisa Jones



Groups audience: 
howdy folks
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