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CFL DRI - Holden Heights RN

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This working group is focused on discussions about Holden Heights.

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about Holden Heights.


Coronet-Nathaniel Jan Booher jperodin Kathy Gilbeaux mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com
Shaniqua R themammaj@gmail.com

Email address for group


New Forum Post: Hurricane Kits

You may be interested in this post for your community:


Time banking and Solar Energy

Hi Holden Heights Team,

Although we don't have a Solar Energy Work Group yet, I am looking for solutions that build community, work with faith leadership, and reduce costs. I am looking into time banking, and have invited a speaker from Florida SUN to the Florida Interfaith Climate Actions Network Assembly on March 13th and 14th.

There are legislative obstacles in Florida that may prevent us from doing this, and that is one of the things I have asked the Florida SUN speaker to fill us in on. 

Preliminary Downtown Orlando Survey Results to Help with Roundtable Planning

The 2 most important preliminary results from the survey conducted at the November 14th Community Meeting that are important for Roundtable planning are now posted on the Downtown Orlando Dashboard in the blue field.

Possible Funding Mechanisms for Climate Challenge Projects

1. This grant is now open for applications: EPA Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Grant

I went through the process in Dunbar, Ft. Myers, and if we want to apply, we need to start now. 

Mushrooms Used in Remediation

Mushrooms have been used by communities to reduce toxins . It is not as fast as industrial remediation, and is usually undertaken by community groups withput much funding.

Blue Green Neighborhood Design

A couple of people have asked "What's Out there?" to try to envision some things that would reduce building energy use, improve transportation, help beat higher temperatures and so forth. Here is a website that has a lot of pictures and design tools.

Holden Heights Community Dashboard Updated with Climate Action Planning Panel

The Holden Heights Dashboard  now has a blue panel under the fast button links that is about our Climate Action Planning process.

Links fron that panel include:

Bloomberg Foundation American Cities Climate Challenge

Example of a Climate Action Plan with a Justice Framing

This is a link to the WeACT Climate Action Plan. Note that this group also had a Serious Games exercise with Dr. McDonald. It is important that all 4 of our communities participating in the American Cities Climate Chalenge have been engaged in assessing the vulnerabilities of their communities, and the opinions of residents.

The Northern Manhattan Climate Action Plan is described here: https://www.weact.org/campaigns/nmca/

Audubon Society Model Ordinances ToolKit

The Audubon Society has created a model Local Ordinance ToolKit for climate change solutions. Please familiarize yourself with some of the language and the framing of these issues. This is one of many sources we can consult to help us find an authoritative framework for the solutions that our communities in Orlando envision: 


howdy folks
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